Today was our first full day on the tour. We were up early...wake up call came at 6:30 a.m. although we were already up. Breakfast at 7 a.m. and on the bus at 8 a.m.
We toured around Corner Brook and saw several interesting places...Captain Cook Historic Site on the Humber River. Lots of cloud cover and fog this morning, with a bit of rain.
Our tour director Linda introduced us to several new terms:
MUN - short for Memorial University Newfoundland
Mauzy - dull day, fog, might rain, might not
Twacking - window shopping
Mummering - you get dressed up in funny clothes (example a man may wear a bra, dress and mittens on his feet), your face is covered to disguise who you are, you play musical instruments. Starts after Boxing Day, go out in groups, knock on neighbour's doors and perform. Voice is also disguised. If the people enjoyed the performance, they give you food and drink, then it's on to the next house. This could go on for hours! It had been banned in recent times as it had got too rowdy and someone actually died.
We had several stops at various places ...Norris Point, The Arches, Port Au Choix, and tonight's rest stop, the Plum Point Motel. We are here for 2 nights with a day trip out and back for tomorrow. Lots of heavy rain in the morning but just as the Weather Channel predicted, it cleared up around 1 p.m.
Lots of new stuff learned today about culture, music, places to shop, dialects of the Newfoundland people, and vegetation to name but just a few.
We are getting to know our fellow travellers too. So many great people!! Tonight's dinner was at the hotel. It was the welcome dinner and all 31 of us travellers plus our tour guide and bus driver were there! After supper we walked on the boardwalk behind the hotel (over a marsh) to wear off the desserts. The temperature dropped and I was actually cold! One of our fellow travellers from Missouri is also a photo nut like me. He saw me taking photos of rust and came over and asked me "Were you taking photos of rust?" When I said yes, he shook my hand! We laughed about what we take pictures of and he showed me some of his photos from earlier in the day. I told him he should get on Facebook so I could invite him to my photo group!
I took a lot of photos time for editing right now...hope to get some new pics up tomorrow. I actually posted the second blog note from the bus as it has wi-fi! Shortly after I finished posting, I got a warning that there was only 14% of battery life left so I had to shut it down. First thing I did when we got into our room was plug in the laptop to recharge!!
Time to sign off...another early rise tomorrow as we hit the road for St. Anthony.
:-) Cheers, Sandy